What does "Renew My Lease" mean?
When you sign a lease renewal, you are extending your current lease by another 12 months for a new rate.
When is the deadline to renew my lease?
There is no set deadline, but your apartment is listed as available to the public as of October 3rd. If we receive an application and security deposit for your apartment or floor plan, we will contact you and you will have 48 hours to let us know your decision.
If I wait to renew, how often will my apartment be shown to prospective residents?
Available units are shown on a rotating basis. This means if there is another unit of the same floor plan and they also haven’t renewed their lease, then that unit is also in the rotation. If you live in a unique floor plan, meaning there are no other units to show prospective residents, then your unit will be shown more often as there is no alternative.
Will my rent change if I renew?
Often times (though not always) renewal leases do incur rent changes. Your renewal lease will outline your new charges for you to review.
Can I renew my lease with different roommates?
Yes! Send your Property Manager a message in the Resident Portal and let us know who would like to renew and we will follow up accordingly.
How can I renew my parking?
By renewing your lease, we assume you also want to renew your parking. Payment for parking will not be due until August 1st of your renewal term.
If you do not want to renew your parking, send us a message through the portal and we will remove it so you aren’t charged on August 1.